About the Festival
The Leif Eriksson International Festival (LEIFmn) is a vibrant celebration of Minnesota's Nordic-American community, showcasing the diverse arts and cultural traditions of the Nordic countries. The festival takes place in the month of October, coinciding with Leif Eriksson Day, which commemorates the arrival of the intrepid Norse explorer to North America over 1,000 years ago.​
LEIFmn was formed in 1987 under the leadership of Pastor John Mauritzen, Mindekirken (The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church in Minneapolis), and members of the Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish communities to establish an annual festival to celebrate Nordic cultural roots in the United States.​ Over the years, the events have brought top-ranked Nordic talent to Minneapolis.
Throughout the festival, visitors can experience a wide range of events and activities, including traditional and contemporary music and dance performances, art exhibits featuring Nordic-inspired works, storytelling sessions, and culinary demonstrations. There are also lectures and special workshops that showcase the history and traditions of the Nordic people.​
The Leif Eriksson International Festival in Minneapolis, MN is a lively and engaging celebration of Nordic life, offering something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're a fan of Nordic cuisine, music, art, or history, this festival is sure to be a memorable experience.